We have finally wrapped up our office remodel and expansion and are excited to share some initial photos while we wait for more to come.
Where it started!
Before we share the exciting new images, I thought I would share a bit about the journey and why we chose to remodel. Our lease was expiring at the end of last year and we were exploring moving into a larger space. As we were closing in on signing the new lease, we were seeing some red flags and started questioning the move. The day that these red flags showed up we received a message from our existing landlord saying a small space was opening up in our building upstairs. In conversation with him, we brainstormed how to optimize our existing space to meet our growing needs. I felt an immediate sense of relief when making the decision to stay rather than expand. We chose to remodel our existing space to make sure that it reflected who we were as a company and allowed for our growing team of therapists to be able to deliver services with ease.
The remodel was a true magic act. We wanted to try our best to not disrupt services as much as possible but that proved to be a big puzzle. Our team was crucial in making that happen. We juggled moving items for around 2 months. We sorted, organized, eliminated, etc. early on in the process but then had to work with limited supplies in a chaotic state for longer than is ideal. Our clients were super supportive and understanding of the disruptions – thank you! We also had frequent break ins into our storage unit which was incredibly frustrating!

The bulk of the remodel took place over the Christmas break which meant our owner Brittney spent each day coming to the office (from her home in Camel). As is usually the case, no remodel goes off as expected. About half way through the remodel we started noticing some new water leaks in the ceiling. This led us to look closer along with our contractor and building owner. This quickly escalated and within minutes/hours there were big holes being cut out of the wall and eventually the entire building had to be opened up and fixed. This delayed our remodel completion and added a significant amount of stress but in the end it was done right and we are very happy we didn’t see it later.

We also encountered many break-in’s to our storage unit that was housing our toys. Fortunately not too much of significance was taken/damaged.

When we finally got the space back, we then got to add some of the fun details.

Space Reveal
After all of the difficulties, we are super happy with the outcome so far. Here are some images from our new and improved space!

We can’t wait to welcome you into our new and improved space!